Local Tech Repair: Firefox 6.0 Alpha

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Firefox 6.0 Alpha

For those that don't know it looks like firefox 6.0 Alpha is being tested on in their nightly builds. right now i am using their 64bit version of the build and it is running very nice.
let me just use this as an opertunity to talk about open source and the importance of being a alpha and beta tester.

Testing open source programs is a very important thing to the open source community. it helps you and others get a better product. Anyone can help with testing products. Open source products need everyone from the security experts, coding gods, to those that know very little about computers. If the open source programs only got the security experts and coding gods then we may not get a very large user base or an easy to use program which kinda defeats a lot of programs out there. but on the other hand if we only have people that new very little of programming and security then we would have a very insecure program and still a very bad user interface.

so go out there and support your open source community and test their nightly builds.

you can find firefox's nightly builds here


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